7 Ways to Create Life Balance When Working on the Road

7 Ways to Create Life Balance When Working on the Road

So, you have found that you love being part of our exciting industry. Why not It’s fast paced, exciting, you travel to different cities or countries. You can work with the rich and famous. You may have a front row seat to riveting Fortune 500 Companies’ views of the world, what’s next, exciting new innovations and technology. Maybe you support famous entertainers and enjoy the thrill of participating in a show that comes off beautifully in a stadium of screaming fans, or the latest in the arts of ballet and theater.

As exhilarating as it is, life on the road can take a toll on your health, well-being and relationships. It is important that you take care of yourself – and your relationships – so your hard work results in a wonderful life both on and off the road. Here are 7 ways to create life balance when working on the road:

1. Work for the right company

If you are free-lance, or employed, it's important to work for a company that reflects your own value system.

2. Hire the right people

The most critical component to a satisfying, congenial employer-employee relationship is to hire the right people. Be sure your interview includes not only learning about the potential crew member’s qualifications, but also contact a few of their referrals to learn if their business reputations are a close match to your company’s core values.

3. Develop organized rituals for packing for the road

Have your work supplies, like tools and equipment that you use regularly, in a separate workbox that you travel with. Include goodies and comfort items, like high quality snacks, gloves and tools, items to keep you warm for when you find yourself working in a frigid environment. Aspirin or Tylenol, bandages and Neosporin are important. A small, self-powered speaker, to provide great music while loading in, can be a real mood booster for you and your coworkers during load-in. (Be mindful this is a case-by-case scenario.) Some industry Road Warriors include items they find they frequently need, like specialty tools, adapters, distos, scopes, monitors, etc., in their workbox. Design your kit to fit your specific needs!

4. Always make your family and the home front a priority

Many workers in our industry are away from home over 200 days a year. Planning your life at home is critical for your family to carry on while you aren’t home and everyone having a calm, well-rounded life.

Experienced Road Warriors tell us these are some keys to living an enjoyable life:
Make your first day home a relaxation day. You’re likely exhausted and jet lagged. Enjoy quiet time at home with loved ones and get caught up with family.
Plan vacations well ahead of time and block those times from work. Google calendar is a big help!

When away, don’t go silent on your family. Call or text family members regularly so they know you are thinking of them. Be available to them if they need to call or text (this can make or break almost any relationship!)

When you are home, include your family in what interests you. Kids love being a part of the creative aspect of what a parent or sibling does.

5. Have a great hobby

Are you interested in music, art, building things, getting your pilots license? Something else? Why not indulge yourself. You are now earning good money, so have fun during your time off!

6. On the road, food is the best medicine

Much of the time, during days of load in, set up, show and strike, we must eat what we are served while working. That could be pastries and pizza, which tastes delicious and provides fuel for the moment. When you have an opportunity to order food, get your fair share of good, clean food of fresh greens and lean protein, for a more balanced diet (and take high quality supplements). Get rest where and when you can! All of these tips, as well as cutting back on smoking, chewing, vaping and excessive drinking, will contribute to a higher quality of life now, and in later years, when your career on the road is just a memory!

7. Speaking of medicine…

It can seem like there isn’t enough time when we are home to get it all done. Don’t ignore your personal hygiene or health; like any machine, you need to maintain it well! Let’s face it, in the scope of all of it, we Road Warriors are a “cross rental item”, which is also true for us full-time employed road technicians. So get regular checkups. When something requires attention, take care of it. If you are not in top shape, the machine can become disabled and unable to perform.

Have you been considering getting a Cozy Roadie for you and your production team or office? Click here to check out our collection of foldable, portable executive style office chairs. You can also contact the Cozy Roadie team to get all of your questions answered.

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